Weekend Health Journal!


Hi friends! Let me just start this post by saying that it is EXTREMELY difficult to eat healthy while on vacation. Like, seriously. :)BUT- I have done a pretty good job and have actually kept up with my personal goals while traveling.

I haven’t eaten meat since last Saturday, people. THIS IS A HUGE DEAL!

Remember my one year goal of becoming a vegetarian? Well, something just clicked in me once I really started to focus on my food by cooking yummy plant based recipes and I haven’t craved meat in a week. I even had the grand opportunity to indulge in fried chicken, sausage gumbo, and bacon this past week, (we are staying in community housing), but I resisted and ate things like this:


Avocado on toast with soy bacon strips and a nectarine


Strawberry, spinach and cucumber salad with a Hawaiian roll.

*Disclaimer- I am not in my own kitchen nor do I have all the wonderful ingredients that I normally do at home so my pics this past week are not as beautiful as they are normally. I’m trying, though, so give me a little grace and I’ll get back to taking more beautiful pics once I get home next week, K?*

In terms of exercise, I have walked every single day on vacation. Sometimes, I walked with my hubby or daughter, but most days I just got up early and did it all by myself.Why? Cause my day always goes better if I workout first thing in the morning. Most days I averaged 3 miles but a few days I got in more mileage due to extracurricular activities like going to the zoo or sea world. I’ve been missing my walking buddy, Jenn, this week for sure! It’s not quite as fun talking to myself cause I already know what my responses will be. LOL (Come on people, let me have that one.)


Keeping it real with my no makeup, post workout selfie. 🙂 Gotta hydrate!

I also found another YouTube sensation that I love almost as much as my Mind Over Munch girl. Her name is Brenda Leigh-Turner and she has a website called Lean Secrets where she shares great fitness and nutrition advice. This girl knows her stuff, that’s for darn sure. Here’s one of her videos:

Lastly, I wanted to throw out some encouragement to those of you that are on your own #healthyover30 journey. (Yes, I know that you may be above or below 30 but you’re still welcome to join me!) I am learning that it’s more important to stick to a schedule then it is to kill myself a few inconsistent days a week in an effort to work off the calories I overindulged in the night before. Prevention is always better than a prescription, right? So, my words to you are simple:


Whatever fitness or nutrition goals you have set for yourself, you will only achieve them if you stick to it. A really intense workout is fine and all but only if you do it regularly. Being consistent with your exercise is what works. Break up your routine and do different things at the gym but don’t let your feelings trump your efforts.

Results come to those who resist temptation and eat healthy regularly not just once in a while. Believe me, this has been a process for me. It’s taken me a long time to get to this place. But, I’m seeing and feeling results after only three weeks of my #healthyover30 journey!

Need some visual stimuli to keep on doing this #healthyover30 thing? Check out this amazing instagram page from @eatingbirdfood. Here’s one of her pics:


A beautifully colorful smoothie bowl!

‘Nuff said? Happy healthy Sunday!

4 thoughts on “Weekend Health Journal!

  1. Consistency is not my strong suit! Quotes like that are what me me go, “oh yeah, that’s why I never try getting in shape.”


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