15 Life Lessons from 2015

photo credit: Weekend Options via photopin (license)

  1. It’s okay to say no to the things that are only going to take from you.
  2. Living for someone else’s approval is never satisfying.
  3. I can only control me. You can only control you.
  4. Sticking to your word even when it’s hard builds trust with others.
  5. The more you pray, the less discouraged you get when life is crazy.
  6. People will let you down but God never will.
  7. Being busy with a purpose is ok. Being busy just for the sake of filling up your day planner is not ok.
  8. Eating dinner together at the table every night really does bring your family together.
  9. Grace means giving others second chances (and third, and fourth, etc…)
  10. Seeking justice doesn’t mean getting revenge.
  11. Doing what feeds your soul makes you happier and healthier.
  12. Fellowship with others brings encouragement and stability to your life.
  13. It’s all about perspective.
  14. Taking a risk enlarges your capacity to learn more and love better.
  15. Obeying the voice of the Lord always brings blessings to your life.

The First Day of the Last Month of the Year


It’s December 1, 2015. I CANNOT believe that the year is almost over.

So, what do we typically do when we are coming to the end of something? We reflect on what has passed and what we’ve learned from it all. Here’s a look at some of the things I did this year in picture form:

I bravely (yet timidly) took my first trip to a 3rd world country.

At a Filipino palengke (street market)










I embarked on the adventure of leading a women’s Bible study.

Coffee, conversation, and Jesus.










I got to see both of my sisters together in one place for the first time in 4 years. 

Photo Op on the beach













What did I learn from these experiences? 1. That life is fleeting and oh so much more fun if you go through it with PEOPLE. 2. That taking a risk is ALWAYS worth it if you are investing in yourself/others.  3. That dreaming an old dream in a new way is ok. In fact, it’s kinda GREAT. 4. And that I’m the happiest when I’m with my family at the BEACH. (Some things will never change!)

Your turn. What things did you do in 2015 and what did you learn from them?